Thank Yourself– Videos 1 & 2

Posted by on Jul 14, 2016 in Communication, Giving Thanks, Videos | No Comments

For those of you who have been following me for a little while know that I’m all about giving thanks. I’ve written about it here on my blog before when I talked about writing thank you cards.  Incredible things happen when you say “thank you” to others and I’m living proof of that.

In these videos below, I wanted to talk about a different kind of thanks, and that’s the kind of “thank you” you give to yourself. It’s something we sometimes forget to do, but it’s no less important than thanking others. So check out the videos to hear about how some incredibly successful people do this.

As always, thanks for stopping by. If you’ve got a trick that helps you to thank yourself, I’d love it hear it! Share in the comments below.

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Contact me anytime at [email protected] or on my contact page for a free 15-minute consultation.

Till next time,

