Continuing Medical Education and Patient-Centered Healthcare Communication

I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals.

For most of my time in the military (16 years, in fact) I was an Army Medical Service Corps Officer, and I dealt with nearly every aspect of providing healthcare in locations far and wide.

After a full career I retired from the military, was busy doing other things and then one day…BOOM, I was diagnosed with stage III throat cancer.

Now I was spending a lot of time in hospitals but for an entirely different reason.  The world that I thought I knew so well was turned completely upside-down when I became the patient.

Beating cancer was the hardest things I’ve ever done. Period. But I learned a few things along the way, and the perspective I gained has put me in a unique position to help both healthcare professionals and patients alike.

Patient-Centered Healthcare Communication

I have long been an advocate of continuing education and I LOVE that the medical community has formalized this concept into Continuing Medical Education (CME). It’s a way that medical professionals stay on top of their game, and I, like most in the medical field, had an requisite number of credits to fulfill each year.

Patient-Centered Healthcare Communication is my teaching program for medical professionals, and I designed it specifically to work in the CME framework.

What exactly is it? It’s sharing what I’ve learned from being both a medical professional and a cancer patient. It’s looking at the way communication flows, not only between doctor and patient, but within the entire staff. It’s about understanding the patient’s experience from start to finish, who they interact with along the way, and ultimately, how to deliver them the best care.  Its also about how to deliver the most devastating news a patient might ever hear.

After a diagnoses that few survive, I’m incredibly fortunate to be here. I had a stellar medical team who helped me through a terribly difficult time.  Sharing my story is just one of the ways I show them my gratitude.

This is not your standard CME.  This is my life, and this is my passion.

I’m ready. Are you?


See you soon, 
