Shout Out in the NCO Journal

Posted by on Jul 19, 2016 in army, cancer, Health, Marathons, military, News, Resiliency | No Comments

Greg Cheek Speaks NCO Screenshot

As many of you know, I started my days in the military many years ago as a humble Airman in the Air Force, and overtime, worked my way up to being (slightly-less) humble NCO (non-commissioned officer).

I routinely speak at  NCO Academies around the world and I’m honored anytime I get to stand up in front of these young men and women.  They are doing amazing work and are at pivotal moments in their careers and lives. Being able to share some of my life-lessons with them is incredibly rewarding for me.

I can’t make it to every NCO Academy though, and certainly can’t talk with every NCO out there. Or so I thought.

This week the NCO Journal honored me by featuring my story on their homepage. This really means a lot to me, and I hope a few more NCOs out there can hear my message, no matter where they are in their careers. You can check it out here.

For those of you who are not familiar with it, the NCO Journal is the official magazine for non-commissioned officer professional development. It is published at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss, Texas, and I had to pleasure of working with Pablo Villa throughout the process of writing this story.

So I’m sending a special thanks to the NCO Journal and to all the NCOs and Petty Officers out there. Thank you for your service, you are the backbone of our military.

Keep charging and Auf Geht’s!

