Upcoming Event: Resiliency Training for Healthcare Professionals on the front-lines of COVID-19.

Greetings everyone, I hope you are safe and healthy wherever you are in the world as you read this.
This Thursday, 14 May 2020, I will be giving resiliency training for healthcare workers who are on the front lines battling COVID-19 (via Zoom).
The number of ways that COVID has effected our lives is too many to list, but it is certain that our healthcare workers are doing a Herculean task. Long-hours in a high-stress and high-stakes environment can quickly lead to exhaustion, sickness, burn-out, depression and worse.
Working with Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society (KCSWCS) I designed this training to give healthcare workers the tools they need to weather this storm. Here’s the info:
Title: Auf Geht’s “Resilient Victory amidst the COVID-19 Healthcare Battlefield “
Learning Objectives:
1. Healthcare providers immediately discover valuable resiliency skills they can put to immediate use in the stressful COVID-19 workplace.
2. Healthcare providers develop skills to master the tactical art of calm and gratitude within the COVID-19 workplace.
The training will be offered twice on May 14th, once at 1200 and again at 1700 (Central Standard Time), both via Zoom. To register, email Ruth Smerchek directly ([email protected]).
KCSWCS gives Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit for the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. To register to get CME credit, email Ruth Smerchek directly ([email protected]).
The KCSWCS has been helping medical professional since 1923, and is one of the oldest postgraduate medical education organizations west of the Mississippi (possibly the oldest). They are completely independent with no affiliation with any area medical schools or hospitals, and their activities are devoted entirely to continuing medical education (CME). It’s an honor to work with them on an ongoing basis.
If you or someone you know can benefit from this training, do not hesitate to reach out to Ruth. Please share widely.
See you there,
Upcoming Event: Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society Annual Conference
I’ve got some exciting news!
This fall I’ll be speaking at the Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society‘s (KCSWCS) 96th Annual Fall Clinical Conference. Over the course of two days the conference gathers over 500 providers to hear local, regional and national experts, in both plenary sessions and symposiums, review basic concepts and emphasize recent advances in medicine, guideline implementation and disease management.
The KCSWCS has been helping medical professional for some time, since 1923 in fact, and is one of the oldest postgraduate medical education organizations west of the Mississippi (possibly the oldest). They are completely independent with no affiliation with any area medical schools or hospitals, and their activities are devoted entirely to continuing medical education (CME).
I’m extremely honored to be among the 40+ experts in the field, and to be one of the two key-note speakers who will present during this conference. I’m excited to share my experience not only as a cancer survivor, but also a healthcare professional (16+ years as an Army Medical Service Corps Officer) and a communications expert.
You can learn more by clicking here. Of course, KCSWCS does these kind of conferences all the time, if you want to reach out, you can contact Ruth Smerchek directly ([email protected]).
For you medical professionals out there, these conferences give CME credit for the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program.
Hope to see you there,
Continuing Medical Education and Patient-Centered Healthcare Communication
I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals.
For most of my time in the military (16 years, in fact) I was an Army Medical Service Corps Officer, and I dealt with nearly every aspect of providing healthcare in locations far and wide.
After a full career I retired from the military, was busy doing other things and then one day…BOOM, I was diagnosed with stage III throat cancer.
Now I was spending a lot of time in hospitals but for an entirely different reason. The world that I thought I knew so well was turned completely upside-down when I became the patient.
Beating cancer was the hardest things I’ve ever done. Period. But I learned a few things along the way, and the perspective I gained has put me in a unique position to help both healthcare professionals and patients alike.
Patient-Centered Healthcare Communication
I have long been an advocate of continuing education and I LOVE that the medical community has formalized this concept into Continuing Medical Education (CME). It’s a way that medical professionals stay on top of their game, and I, like most in the medical field, had an requisite number of credits to fulfill each year.
Patient-Centered Healthcare Communication is my teaching program for medical professionals, and I designed it specifically to work in the CME framework.
What exactly is it? It’s sharing what I’ve learned from being both a medical professional and a cancer patient. It’s looking at the way communication flows, not only between doctor and patient, but within the entire staff. It’s about understanding the patient’s experience from start to finish, who they interact with along the way, and ultimately, how to deliver them the best care. Its also about how to deliver the most devastating news a patient might ever hear.
After a diagnoses that few survive, I’m incredibly fortunate to be here. I had a stellar medical team who helped me through a terribly difficult time. Sharing my story is just one of the ways I show them my gratitude.
This is not your standard CME. This is my life, and this is my passion.
I’m ready. Are you?
See you soon,
5 QUICK Interviewing Tips from the NBA Summer League
I know, I know, it’s not summer time. The fact that I recorded most of this video during the NBA Summer League is, quite frankly, irrelevant. If you are looking to improve your ability to interview well, and make a good first impression, then this video is just what you need, regardless of when I recorded it.
It doesn’t matter what you are interviewing for, could be a job, an internship, a volunteer opportunity, or even talking with an NBA scout, these five tips will help you get prepared and put your best foot forward.
The thing about first impressions is you only get one chance to make them. Make sure you’re prepared when your opportunity comes along.
Now go out and get ’em.
Three Points of Contact and 113 Resilience Tips for Teens
I have to admit, I have some amazing fans.
Some of you are military, some of you are health care providers, some are athletes or marathon runners, and others know me because of my experience battleing cancer.
Of all these amazing people though, one group of you is very near and dear to me. I’m talking about teens. I am extremely proud that my book Three Points of Contact is consistently at the top of the Amazon Best Sellers list for teens. Let me explain why:
You all know I’m a resiliency coach and I specialize in dealing with adversity. What qualifies me to do this you ask? Well, dealing lots of adversity, starting from when I was a teenager.
I was raised by a single mom and times were tough. In high school I was working three jobs and missed graduating by 1 point. For a time I was homeless, and I literally slept on the Air Force recruiters doorstep so that I could enlist in the military.
Like anything, practice makes perfect, and I’ve had a lot of practice with adversity. It’s through years of dealing with adversity that I developed the pillars of Optimism, Visualization and Action that have become the Three Points of Contact.
We cannot control the adversity that comes our way in life, but we can control how we deal with it. These are things I wish I knew as a teen.
Actually, there are many things I wish I had known back then. I’ve got 113 of them in my book, so I’ll be posting more of them here, with a focus on some of my favorite fans: teens.
So stay tuned for that, and until then, live everyday with enthusiasm.
Ever Forward Radio with Chase Chewning
This past week I had the pleasure and privilege of appearing on Ever Forward Radio, a podcast hosted by Chase Chewning focused on people who are putting a purpose to their passion. Ever Forward is a brand that Chase and his brother Maxx have put together, and I’ve been following them on Youtube for years.
Chase is an Army Vet and a certified health coach, but he and his brother really strike the right balance of maintaining health and strength, while being active and still living life fully.
As many of you all know, I spent 20 years in the military, and then worked for the Department of Defense as a civilian. I had my military retirement and after my bout with cancer I found myself in a job a didn’t really love.
I had been building my writing and speaking career on the side, but even though I was not enjoying my full-time job, it was HARD to give up the comfort and convenience of that steady paycheck.
Big life changes like that can be scary because you are making a leap in the unknown, but over the years I’ve been truly inspired by guys like Chase and Maxx as well as Nick and Preston Bare. Chase and Nick are both military vets who got out of the military without the benefit of a pension, and now they are doing amazing work building the jobs they love. What was my excuse for not pursuing my dream? Without knowing it, these guys helped me make the jump.
It was truly a treat to get to talk to Chase, and we covered all kinds of topics, including enlisting in the military, health and fitness, my book Three Points of Contact, setting and achieving goals, as well as keeping a journal.
Check out the full podcast above, on Apple iTunes, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts. And while you’re at it, leave them a five-star review 🙂
As Chase and Maxx say, live a life ever forward.
You can check out more from the Chewning Brothers with the links below:
The Power of Community College – North Lake College in Irving, Texas
As I’ve discussed before, I’m working on my second book which is about the power of community college. As part of this book I’ve been interviewing students all over the country to hear their stories, some of which I want to share with you before the book comes out.
Community college is not only a great way to get an education, but it’s often the most economic option, allowing students to get a degree with little to no debt. Whether they are pursuing an associates degree, or using community college as a jumping off point to a four-year degree program, it gives people an incredible number of options without breaking the bank.
And let me tell you, you will not find a more motivated and excited group of students. These guys are in class because they want to be, many are working while taking classes, and nearly all have a plan of what they’re working towards.
Last week at North Lake College in Irving, Texas I had the pleasure of talking to Anna and Josue, two students working on the associates degrees.
Check out the video below for the full story and like Josue told me when I was talking to him, “You gotta dream big”.
The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins Changed my LIFE!
Back in June of 2011 I had been cancer-free for one year. Coming back from stage III throat cancer was not easy, but as I sat in the University of Kansas Cancer Center waiting for my one-year follow-up, I had this nagging question that I couldn’t shake. The questions was “is this all that is left for me?” waiting with bated breath every year for a positive follow-up, to hear that “Things are fine Greg”.
I didn’t like that idea, but I didn’t know what to do about it. That’s when I saw this TEDx video from Mel Robbins:
Something happened when I watched that video in the waiting room at the Cancer Center. Mel introduced her “5 Second Rule” and it motivated me to make a change right then and there. I applied for a job in Germany while still sitting there before my appointment. It was Wednesday, June 15th 2011 at 2:30pm in the afternoon.
I got the job, and moved to Germany for five years. To say that single decision changed the course of my life is the understatement of the century. But it didn’t stop there. I decided to run more, and now have run 11 marathons. I decided to write a book, now it’s sold over 100,000 copies and is being used in universities and cancer centers around the world.
I can’t even imagine who I’d be or where I would be if I had stuck around in Kansas City waiting for that next positive check. Waiting for life to happen.
Of course, I’m not the only one. Over 8.4 million people have watched Mel’s video and her 5 Second Rule has been helping all kinds of people take control and change their lives. It’s been so successful that she made The 5 Second Rule into a book that just came out Feb 28th.
The basic premise is this: We all have things we want to do, or know we should do, yet we don’t do them. We hesitate, we wait, and we kill our progress with doubt, excuses, worry or fear. It could be anything from getting up early and going for a run, or voicing a new idea at work.
The point is this, when you feel that hesitation, start counting down from 5 to 1. When you get to zero, you act. You act before you brain has time to doubt, to fear, worry and to kill the idea. Now you have the law of inertia on your side (an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion).
Why does this work? I certainly can’t explain it better than Mel herself:
Whenever you feel an instinct fire up to act on a goal or a commitment, or the moment you feel yourself hesitate on doing something and you know you should do, you should use the Rule.
I’m really impressed with this book because she clearly maps out how to use this tool to:
– Become confident
– Break the habit of procrastination and self-doubt
– Beat fear and uncertainty
– Stop worrying and feel happier
– Share your ideas with courage
It is IMPOSSIBLE read this book without becoming motivated to attack all those things you want to get done. If it doesn’t motivate you, you’d better check your pulse! Mel knows that there is greatness in all of us, and it’s on the other side of our excuses.
So many great success stories in this book (including one about me, Thanks Mel!), but I’ll close with two quotes from Mel that really stuck me:
“The difference between people who make their dreams come true and those of us who don’t is just one thing: the courage to start and the discipline to keep going.”
There it is. 5 Seconds. Courage. Discipline. That’s all you need to succeed. So when to start?
“There is no right time. There is only right now. You get one life. This is it.”
Now get out there and make a change. Start with this book.
I’ve been pretty impressed with the Nick and Preston Bare for some time now. They are beasts in the gym, they are running an incredible successful supplement at Bare Performance Nutrition, (I love, love the blueberry Pre-Workout) they are starting Bare Performance Gym in Texas, and the both have great You Tube channels (Nick’s is here, and Preston’s is here).
One of the things that these brothers do so well is their transparency. They are one of the first and only supplements on the market to not use proprietary blends, meaning they share the exact ingredients and measurements in their products.
But beyond their supplements, their You Tube channels are open, honest, and approachable about how they work out, manage nutrition and how they run their business.
I had a chance to talk on the phone with Nick the other day. I sent a twitter message that I’d like to say hello and he called 2 minutes later! He’s a Ranger tabbed Army Infantry Officer with a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition. I really started binge watching his videos 3 months ago while he was serving/vlogging in Korea. I get so much energy watching this two young men.
They are transitioning before our eyes: Nick as a military officer and Preston moving from the corporate world to being a very successful entrepreneur! They are sharing their experiences via YouTube every other day. The videos are high quality and entertaining. With my business, writing my next book, speaking etc. I don’t have a ton of time, but I always make time to watch these two channels. Do you want a blueprint to run a business? become an entrepreneur? use social media as an effective way of marketing and you want to laugh? You must watch Nick and Preston.
Cheers and keep up the good work guys,
Power of Time, Regret, and Gratitude
A couple of weeks ago I was at Fort Stewart, Georgia when HURRICANE MATTHEW rolled through. As you might imagine, the weather was terrible, high winds, heavy rain and flooding but we certainly didn’t get the worst of it.
In our relative safety I took a few minutes to record this video, because it’s in events like these that jostle us from the monotony and routine of everyday life, and make us think about what’s really important, where we’re going, and how we use the time we have.
Really, this is a video about time. Tomorrow is no guarantee, so how are you using your time? What are you doing with the opportunities that have within your reach? If you’re not careful those missed opportunities, and wasted time can stack up into a big pile of regret, and there is nothing worse than regret.
I also talk about gratitude, which at the end of the day is appreciating how other people spend their time, and being thankful.
As you will see, it was raining quite hard and was very windy in the video, but life is full of storms. It’s how we weather those storm that defines us.
This video is dedicated to all service members past, present and in the future.
Ray Lewis video to the Stanford University basketball team can be found at:
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