Upcoming Event: Resiliency Training for Healthcare Professionals on the front-lines of COVID-19.

Greetings everyone, I hope you are safe and healthy wherever you are in the world as you read this.
This Thursday, 14 May 2020, I will be giving resiliency training for healthcare workers who are on the front lines battling COVID-19 (via Zoom).
The number of ways that COVID has effected our lives is too many to list, but it is certain that our healthcare workers are doing a Herculean task. Long-hours in a high-stress and high-stakes environment can quickly lead to exhaustion, sickness, burn-out, depression and worse.
Working with Kansas City Southwest Clinical Society (KCSWCS) I designed this training to give healthcare workers the tools they need to weather this storm. Here’s the info:
Title: Auf Geht’s “Resilient Victory amidst the COVID-19 Healthcare Battlefield “
Learning Objectives:
1. Healthcare providers immediately discover valuable resiliency skills they can put to immediate use in the stressful COVID-19 workplace.
2. Healthcare providers develop skills to master the tactical art of calm and gratitude within the COVID-19 workplace.
The training will be offered twice on May 14th, once at 1200 and again at 1700 (Central Standard Time), both via Zoom. To register, email Ruth Smerchek directly ([email protected]).
KCSWCS gives Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit for the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. To register to get CME credit, email Ruth Smerchek directly ([email protected]).
The KCSWCS has been helping medical professional since 1923, and is one of the oldest postgraduate medical education organizations west of the Mississippi (possibly the oldest). They are completely independent with no affiliation with any area medical schools or hospitals, and their activities are devoted entirely to continuing medical education (CME). It’s an honor to work with them on an ongoing basis.
If you or someone you know can benefit from this training, do not hesitate to reach out to Ruth. Please share widely.
See you there,
Three Points of Contact and 113 Resilience Tips for Teens
I have to admit, I have some amazing fans.
Some of you are military, some of you are health care providers, some are athletes or marathon runners, and others know me because of my experience battleing cancer.
Of all these amazing people though, one group of you is very near and dear to me. I’m talking about teens. I am extremely proud that my book Three Points of Contact is consistently at the top of the Amazon Best Sellers list for teens. Let me explain why:
You all know I’m a resiliency coach and I specialize in dealing with adversity. What qualifies me to do this you ask? Well, dealing lots of adversity, starting from when I was a teenager.
I was raised by a single mom and times were tough. In high school I was working three jobs and missed graduating by 1 point. For a time I was homeless, and I literally slept on the Air Force recruiters doorstep so that I could enlist in the military.
Like anything, practice makes perfect, and I’ve had a lot of practice with adversity. It’s through years of dealing with adversity that I developed the pillars of Optimism, Visualization and Action that have become the Three Points of Contact.
We cannot control the adversity that comes our way in life, but we can control how we deal with it. These are things I wish I knew as a teen.
Actually, there are many things I wish I had known back then. I’ve got 113 of them in my book, so I’ll be posting more of them here, with a focus on some of my favorite fans: teens.
So stay tuned for that, and until then, live everyday with enthusiasm.
Shout Out in the NCO Journal
As many of you know, I started my days in the military many years ago as a humble Airman in the Air Force, and overtime, worked my way up to being (slightly-less) humble NCO (non-commissioned officer).
I routinely speak at NCO Academies around the world and I’m honored anytime I get to stand up in front of these young men and women. They are doing amazing work and are at pivotal moments in their careers and lives. Being able to share some of my life-lessons with them is incredibly rewarding for me.
I can’t make it to every NCO Academy though, and certainly can’t talk with every NCO out there. Or so I thought.
This week the NCO Journal honored me by featuring my story on their homepage. This really means a lot to me, and I hope a few more NCOs out there can hear my message, no matter where they are in their careers. You can check it out here.
For those of you who are not familiar with it, the NCO Journal is the official magazine for non-commissioned officer professional development. It is published at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss, Texas, and I had to pleasure of working with Pablo Villa throughout the process of writing this story.
So I’m sending a special thanks to the NCO Journal and to all the NCOs and Petty Officers out there. Thank you for your service, you are the backbone of our military.
Keep charging and Auf Geht’s!
Video Blog 004 ~ Hunt the Good Stuff, Plus
I’ve talked about Hunt the Good Stuff before (#htgs) but for those who are not familiar with it, it’s something I picked up while attending the US Army’s Resiliency Training at University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology Center.
The concept is simple, start your day with three points of gratitude. I write these down in my journal, but have added a few more steps which is why this video is called “Hunt the Good Stuff, Plus”. The things I’ve added are something for someone else, and then something for yourself.
Something for someone else, could be anything, it could be helping something, thanking someone, paying it forward in some way, but plan to do it and make it part of your day.
Then I thank myself for something or give myself something. Writing these things down externalizes them, and making this a daily activity produces incredible results. After only a few days you’d be amazed at how this activity changes your outlook on everything.
What are my Hunt the Good Stuff, Plus points for today? Watch the video below to find out. What are yours? I’d love to hear them, feel free to write them in them comments section below.
Master Resiliency Training and Armed Forces Network
A couple of weeks ago I had the honor of being interviewed on AFN (Armed Forces Network) here in Stuttgart, Germany. It was a great opportunity to talk about my experience with cancer and how Master Resiliency Training prepared me for the rough patches along the way.
Check out the video below, and let me know what you think!
A special thanks to SSG Jelle, SGT Calhoun, Douglas Smith, Stefanie Pidgeon and the rest of the AFN Stuttgart team for making this happen and for putting together such a great video.
Marathon #8 in Hamburg and Improving your Optimism Daily
This past Saturday I ran my 8th marathon since being diagnosed with cancer, and this time I was in Hamburg, Germany. What an amazing experience! More than 750,000 spectators and 20,000 runners.
I shot this quick video when I finished, in which I talk about daily exercises to improve your optimism, as well as Hunt the Good Stuff (#htgs) and University of Pennsylvania’s Army Master Resilience Training (taught by Dr. Karen Reivich).
Approaching the day with optimism can be as simple as writing down three things you’re thankful for, an exercise I did for the 30 days leading up to this marathon.
Give it a shot: what are three things you’re thankful for today? Write you responses below in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.
Have a Great Day and Live the Three Points of Contact!
Prepping for Marathon #7 in Kiel, Germany
This Saturday, I’ll be running my seventh marathon since being diagnosed with cancer. Yesterday, I finished my last long training run before heading up north to Kiel, and shot this quick video. Enjoy!
Some of the marathon training references I talk about in the video are Trevor and Angie from Marathon Training Academy, Jeff Galloway’s Run Walk Run method and the training timer I use is Gym Boss.
You can live ANY goal you set out to achieve.
Have a Great Day and Live the Three Points of Contact!
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